Showing posts with label python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label python. Show all posts

Friday, 31 December 2021

Top 10 viewed posts 2021 on the Robot and Physical Computing Blog

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Hug Avoider 4 - micropython, Eggbot and speech

The last of the posts on the Hug avoider and the 4Tronix's Eggbit

4Tronix's Eggbit (in fact I bought three of them  :-) recently) is a cute add-on for the microbit. In three previous posts I looked at eggbit using microcode to  produce a hug avoider - warns when people at too close.

In this post using the buttons and adding (via Microbit V2 with its speaker) simple speech

1. Buttons

Pins for the buttons
  • pin8 - Green button
  • pin12 - Red button
  • pin14 - Yellow button
  • pin`6 - Blue button

    if pin12.read_digital()==1:
        #Red Button
    if pin8.read_digital()==1:
        #Green button
    if pin14.read_digital()==1:
        #Yellow button
    if pin16.read_digital()==1:
        #Blue botton

2. Speech

    mess1 = [
    "This is the hug avoide",
    "please keep back",
# Take from
    for line in mess1:
        speech.say(line, speed=120, pitch=100, throat=100, mouth=200)

The speech is difficult to hear but is fun and there are possibly ways to improve this starting with the information on

3. Overall

from microbit import *
from machine import time_pulse_us
import neopixel, speech

sonar =pin15

def rainbow():
    fireled[0] = (255, 0, 40)
    fireled[1]=  (255,165,0)
    fireled[2] = (255,255,0)
    fireled[3] = (0,255,0)
    fireled [4] = (0,0,255)
    # block=indigo
    fireled[5] = (75,0,130)
    # block=violet
    fireled[6] = (138,43,178)
    fireled[7] = (255,0,255)

def blank_it():
    for j in range(8):
        fireled[j] = (63, 0, 0)

def howfar():

    return dist

def startingMessage():
    mess1 = [
    "This is the hug avoide",
    "please keep back",
# Take from
    for line in mess1:
        speech.say(line, speed=120, pitch=100, throat=100, mouth=200)

def buttonplay():
    if pin12.read_digital()==1:
        #Red Button
    if pin8.read_digital()==1:
        #Green button
    if pin14.read_digital()==1:
        #Yellow button
    if pin16.read_digital()==1:
        #Blue botton
while True:
    if dist>30:
        speech.say("back away please", speed=120, pitch=100, throat=100, mouth=200)

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Hug Avoider 3 - experiments with Python and 4Tronix Eggbit


4Tronix's Eggbit (in fact I bought three of them  :-) recently) is a cute add-on for the microbit (see above). In two previous posts I looked at eggbit using microcode to  produce a hug avoider - warns when people at too close.

This post replicates some of this, but this time using Python and shows the stages of the build
  • Get the ultrasound to find the distance;
  • Produce smile and surprise on the eggbit's 'mouth';
  • Produce rainbow on the neopixels or all the pixels turning red;
  • Bring it all together so if the person is too close, less than 30cm it reacts.

1. Ultrasonic detection

Probably the most challenging bit of this was getting the ultrasonic distance measrement working. It actually is not that difficult; especially using code from as the basis of the solution and pin15 does both triggering and receiving. Code sends a pulse out, picked up  and processed to get the distance from the delay. The code is shown below:

from microbit import *
from machine import time_pulse_us

sonar =pin15

while True:

2. LEDs
To get a greater understanding of how 4Tronix's makecode extension (used in the previou posts) for the Eggbit controls the various pins the best resource was to reverse engineering the code  from in their github respository for the Eggbit. 

This gave the colours and the correct pin for the LEDs the code is shown below. Producing a rainbow method and a method to set the LEDs/neopixels to red. 

import neopixel


def rainbow():
    fireled[0] = (255, 0, 40)
    fireled[1]=  (255,165,0)
    fireled[2] = (255,255,0)
    fireled[3] = (0,255,0)
    fireled [4] = (0,0,255)
    # block=indigo
    fireled[5] = (75,0,130)
    # block=violet
    fireled[6] = (138,43,178)
    fireled[7] = (255,0,255)
def blank_it():
    for j in range(8):
        fireled[j] = (63, 0, 0)

3. 'Face'
Eggbit has set of LEDs that represent a mouth, controlled via three pins. Only two of those are used in this example

'Smile' is pin2.write_digital(1) the 'lower' part of the mouth and turn off upper part of the mouth pin0.write_digital(0)

'Surprise' uses both parts 

4. Overall

So putting this altogether 

from microbit import *
from machine import time_pulse_us
import neopixel

sonar =pin15

def rainbow():
    fireled[0] = (255, 0, 40)
    fireled[1]=  (255,165,0)
    fireled[2] = (255,255,0)
    fireled[3] = (0,255,0)
    fireled [4] = (0,0,255)
    # block=indigo
    fireled[5] = (75,0,130)
    # block=violet
    fireled[6] = (138,43,178)
    fireled[7] = (255,0,255)
def blank_it():
    for j in range(8):
        fireled[j] = (63, 0, 0)

def howfar():
    return dist

while True:
    if dist>30:

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Microbit and Environment Measurement - Using Python

In two recent posts, Makecode was used with the Enviro:bit from Pimoroni to try out a few ideas ( and ). In this post Pyton using the Mu editor was used to try out the Enviro:bit.

As in the makeCode version, Pimoroni has provided both a python library (via Github) but also within the useful installation instructions. There is at the time of writing a possible typo; to get the BME280 sensor (temperature, pressure, humidity sensor) to work; you need to add parenthesis in the line bme = bme280.bme280()

After that, it works fine and includes potential altitude measurement which I don't think is in the Makecode version (though I could be wrong); I need to play with it a bit more.

To experiment the code below was used test reading temperature (in Centigrade), humidity (%), and altitude (feet). In the examples, currently provided with the library, I couldn't find a BME280 example but it was fairly easy to adapt the examples included to get something going.

import microbit
import bme280

bme = bme280.bme280()

while True:

    reading = bme.temperature()
    microbit.display.scroll("temp: ")
    reading = bme.humidity()
    microbit.display.scroll("humidity: ")
    reading = bme.altitude()
    microbit.display.scroll("Alt: ")

It is a cool and fun device to play with, though I not sure the precision of the readings shown on the microbit LEDs is really necessary :-) 


All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Initial experiments with Code Bug Connect

Code Bug has been around for a while, and it is incredibly cute, When it first came, it was a very interesting piece of kit - and it is still is and fun to play with. It spec means it is still a very useful piece of kit.

  • 5x5 Red LED display
  • 2 buttons
  • 6 touch sensitive I/O pads (4 input/output, power and ground)
  • Micro USB socket
  • CR2032 battery holder
  • Expansion port for I2C, SPI and UART
  • Blockly-based online programming interface
  • CodeBug emulator for checking code before downloading

In 2020 Code Bug launched and successfully funded a Kickstarter campaign ( ) for a new version the Code Bug - CodeBug Connect with a serious upgrade.(and the name Connect is highly appropriate with USB tethering and Wifi capability in this version. The technical specification (taken from their site ) shows how much of an upgrade this is:

  • 5x5 RGB LEDs with dedicated hardware driver/buffer
  • Two 5 way navigation joysticks
  • Onboard Accelerometer
  • 4 GPIO legs, including high impedance sensing for detecting touch (think  MaKey MaKey TM)
  • 6 Sewable/croc-clip-able loops. 4 I/O including analogue 1 power and ground
  • 6 pin GPIO 0.1" header (configurable for UART/I2C/SPI, I2S or analogue audio out)
  • QuadCore -- four heterogeneous processors
  • 4MB Flash Storage
  • 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11 b/n/g, Station and Soft AP (simultaneous)
  • Experimental long range wireless 0.8km to another CodeBug Connect
  • UART terminal access over USB
  • High efficiency SMPS Boost convertor for battery (JST PH connector)
  • High efficiency SMPS Buck convertor from 5V USB

Recently the early version of the Connects have been arriving and it is cool (IMHO). 

The getting going guide lives it up to its name and does a better explanation of doing this than I can provide here.

First I played with the USB and the blockly style programming tool (see above) essentially producing a very slightly modified version of their starter code. You can perhaps see the Python style coming in with the while True coming in. Works well and it showed one of the different between this version and the older one; the LEDs are now colourful instead of red only. Programming it, while using the laptops USB to power it does lead to pulling the cable in and out to get the code to run - but that is fine and is clearly explained in the guide

You can connect it via wifi to a phone or a laptop so tried it with a phone. The getting started guide explains it well and the online editor allows you to program in micropython and example is shown below

import cbc

from color import Color

import time

while True:

  cbc.display.scroll_text(str(" Bug 1"), fg=Color('#f0ff20'))



They have even thought about security. I set my system to connect via wifi through my phone; but when I want to connect through my laptop I had to go through  the adoption process to try it on my phone and a laptop - sounds scary but it is well explained in the getting going guide and is relatively simple to do.

Looking forward to exploring the device a lot more, the guide also includes a number of code examples to play with and explore. A feature I particularly liked was seeing the block code rendered as python when using the editor on the phone.

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Monday, 22 February 2021

VR robot in a maze - from Blocks to Python

Recently I produced a post about playing with Vex Robotics VexCode VR blocks and the Maze Playground.

The post finished with me saying I would like to play with Python and do a Python version of it. Well it is actually very easy to do it.

You can do it in two stages from the block code. First click on the <> icon (lighted in the figure above and it gives a further view producing Python code that changes as you change the blocks. The last stage is to convert to a text project (button at the bottom right of the screen.

Example of the code.
myVariable = 0

def when_started1():
global myVariable
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 100, MM)
while not down_eye.detect(RED):
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 5, MM)
if right_bumper.pressed():
drivetrain.drive_for(REVERSE, 30, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 20, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 20, MM)
if left_bumper.pressed():
drivetrain.drive_for(REVERSE, 30, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 120, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 10, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(RIGHT, 10, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 10, MM)
wait(5, MSEC)


The code in action

This is possibly a nice transition tool going from block-based programming to text-based.

Related posts

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author h any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Escape the Maze with a VR robot - Vex VR

You don't need to buy a robot to get programming a robot, now there are a range of free and relatively simple to start with robot simulators to play with. Three examples are listed below:

It is the last one of these ( that is the focus of this post and return to hit, after an earlier discussion in 

Two of the nice things about the package, apart from being free, are it uses a Scratch-like programming language and it provides a 3D environment and models - playgrounds for a number of scenarios. 

So in this post, I will be discussing playing, or rather starting to play with the robot navigating a 3D maze (see the figure above). A feature I particularly like is you can change the views from an overhead view to an onboard version or one that seems to follow the robot.

So as I starting point I programmed it to essentially bounce along the walls keeping the wall on it's right and stopping when the downward 'eye' detects red on the floor for the end of the maze. The sensors include left and right bumper sensors; along with two sensors for detecting colours one facing forward and one down. The code I use is shown below:

It took 8 minutes to solve the maze - which is slow. I would be interested to see the solutions of others being shared. As a simulated robot programming system this is great fun and challenging, I would recommend having a play iot is free and available at I want to have a go with the Python version to replicate or better the solution above (start it as a text project rather than a blocks project when starting a new project).

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Build a Disco cube:bit that reacts to music.

In a previous post Micro:bit and Cube:bit 'says' Hello I introduced the start of me playing with the 4tronix Cube:bit. One of the things I want to try is get the cube to react to music, based around the accelerometers in a micro:bit picking up vibrations. Luckily, in an earlier post, I had done something similar for the Proto-Pic Micro:pixel (see Dancing Pixels for more details).

 Essentially the idea is the vibrations from the music shake the micro:bit enough to give measurable changes in three axis, and these values are used to change the pixel's colour - in fact five pixels at a time.

The code shown below is all that was needed:
from microbit import *
import neopixel, random

np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, 125)

while True:
    for pxl in range (2,125, 5):
        np[pxl] = (rd, gr, 0)
        np[pxl-1] = (rd, gr, 0)
        np[pxl+1] = (0, gr, rd)
        np[pxl-2] = (rd, 0, 0)
        np[pxl+2] = (0, gr,0)

Here it is in action:

The music used in the video is 

Please feel free to improve on this.

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Monday, 20 August 2018

Getting Crabby with EduBlock for Microbit

This is really pulling together two recent posts, one when I started playing with Edublocks for the microbit and one about playing with BinaryBots Crab .

The BinaryBots Totem Crab is available at

Here I going to use Edublocks ( by @all_about_code to control the claw of the Crab to close when button A is pressed (and display a C on the LEDs)  and open the claw when button B is pressed. For a discussion on the Crab and what the pins are, etc goto for more details. 

The timing of the opening and closing is controlled by how long the C or O takes to scroll across the LEDs. As an aside, but I found it interesting (it appeals to my geekiness), if you save the blocks, using the Save button; it stores it as an XML file, an example extract is shown below:

Now I want to explore a little the Python editor in Edublocks; to see if it can be used to expand the range of activities. The code as it stands now:

Using some code developed by CBiS Education/ BinaryBots I have added some code to read the Crab's temperature sensor and display "Warm" or "Cold" depending on this. The code uses the struct module to convert between strings of bytes (see and native Python data types. to work with  the I2C bus which the Crab sensors use (more details on the bus can be found ). The code below was then download as a hex file to the microbit as before.

The Crab's reads in the temperature and displays either message "Warm" or "Cold" - currently repeatedly "Warm". The open and closing of the claws still works.

So this was a double win, I had a chance to explore whether the Edublocks Python works as advertised and it does and an opportunity to play with the Crab a bit more; a definite win-win.

Acknowledgement: Thank you to Chris Burgess and the team at Binary Bots/CBiS Education for sending me a copy of the Python code for accessing the sensors on the Crab.

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Who wants to produce AI produced cartoon strips

Question: How easy is it produce a comic/cartoon using genetative AI? Let's start with  using ChatGPT4o to produce cartoons. The idea wa...