Showing posts with label cubs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cubs. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Pi-Tops, Bloxels, unplugged computing and Scouts

Recently I supported an activity for a local Scout group's Beavers and Cubs, as help towards a badge. Four main activities were run.

Three Raspberry Pi based Pi-Top CEEDs ( were used to go through parts of a computer and to have a go at programming in Scratch.

Nice thing about the Pi-Top CEEDs are there are quick to set-up  and to store; and the parts are clear to see.

Another activity revolved around the use of Bloxels  ( to make games. This is a system that uses coloured blocks on a board to make levels and characters for , usually, a platform based game that is downloaded through an an App to a device. With the Bloxels they made a level in a game, by putting the appropriate blocks on the board and using an App to turn it into a playable level.

Two unplugged activities
- Making a list of instructions for open a drinks bottle and pouring out the contents. There are a few sneaky elements in this such as turn the top anti-clockwise but do you need to take your hand off (or at least loosen your hand on)  the top to complete it? Also they have  to try it out following the instructions.
- On paper make a list of instructions for a paper-based game, so it involved paper, pens and dice.

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

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