Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Silly Cozmo videos (updated)

As a bit of fun some videos using Anki's Cozmo.

Did really mean for this one to be as dark as this.

Moody Cozmo - Normally happy, but just don't put it on it's side.

Related link: 

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Bigtrak's little sibling - Rover

Recently bought a Bigtrak Rover, kind of the smaller 'sibling' of a Bigtrak (see above). 

Mobile Phone
It has the some of the same functionality as the Bigtrak, though no cannon sound. Control is via an iPhone or Android phone app, giving the same direction and number of steps functions (see below) found on the larger Bigtrak.

Control via another device.
What is different to the Bigtrak is it can be controlled remotely from a PC, Mac or Tablet via a web interface. It also uses the phone's camera to provide a video stream and remote control via on-screen controls. What it doesn't have is programmable control (or I haven't found it yet). The web interface is Flash based; so there may be problems running this on iPads.

A Nice, little robot that use the phone to control the robot.  A set of cones gives the option of setting up an obstacle course. Once the app is installed it is very easy to get going with this. Would have liked programming from a PC or Mac. At the price, this is a good fun piece of kit. 

Related Links

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Sunday, 9 April 2017

CBiS Education Micro:Bit based Robot Car

At PiWars 2017 (1st-2nd April 2017), thanks to the generosity of CBiS Education, I now have one of their BBC micro:bit RobotCar . It is a sturdy bit of kit, encased in an aluminum chassis with a clear acrylic screen - it feels substantial when you pick it up. 

It is based around fours motors, control by a Micro:Bit, via L298N based motor controller/shield. Batteries power, 8 AAs, the motors and a Lithium powerbank to power the Micro:Bit - all included. 

More information about the technical details and example software can be found on their site including further details on the L298N based motor controller/shield, which I found useful for programming it. 

I have experimented briefly with programming it in Python (micropython), getting it to it move forward, backward; to the right and left, using the Mu editor. 

The code is shown below for those who want to try it:

from microbit import *

def forward(n):
def backward(n):

def stopit(n):

def spinLeft(n):

def spinRight(n):

while True:

This thing is quick. I like the feel of it, you pick it up and it doesn't feel like it is going to fall apart; because it comes all assembled - including batteries, it is ready to go. I look forward to trying some more ideas on it.

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

My photo experience at PiWars 2017

I was only able to stay at Pi Wars for a short while on Saturday 1st April. Even so, as a spectator, it was good fun. Here are a few pictures (and a video) for the day.

Skittles - The course designers don't make anything easy.

Golf Course

Obstacle Course 

It was not all robots, here is a Pi Controlled Drum Machine

My new toys

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Micro:bit, PXT, Micro:pixel and Rainbows

Continuing to play with PXT ( and the Micro:bit, I wanted to try this in combination with a Proto-Pic Micro-pixel board with its 32 neopixel LEDs.

The routine (shown in the screenshot below) use the Neopixels package (use the add package option on the menu to add it) to do two things:

  • On pressing button B - cycle through the colours and shift the colour to the next pixel producing a shifting pattern.
  • On pressing button  A - the pixels are cleared one by one.

Code is shown above, and thank you to Jonathan "Peli" de Halleux (@pelikhan) for pointing out the redundant code I had left in, it is appreciated.

The video below shows the system in action:

You can try the code out in the simulator below:

All opinions in this blog are the Author's and should not in any way be seen as reflecting the views of any organisation the Author has any association with. Twitter @scottturneruon

Who wants to produce AI produced cartoon strips

Question: How easy is it produce a comic/cartoon using genetative AI? Let's start with  using ChatGPT4o to produce cartoons. The idea wa...